Saturday, December 17, 2011

Le Beurre de Cacahuètes!!! Finalement!!!

So I finally made peanut butter!!!!!! I'm so happy!!! Peanut butter, how I have missed you!! It was actually pretty easy; I just ground up a bunch of peanuts. I was going to use my host-mother's food processor, but then she decided I should use this pulverizing machine they keep in the garage. It was kind of like a 1980's version of the Magic Bullet. The peanut butter is pretty good!!! A little salty, so next time, I'll try to be careful to buy the grilled but non-salted peanuts. Looking forward to having my first peanut butter sandwich in a long time!!!

Also, I am officially on winter break now!! Yay!!! 

À bientôt!


  1. Yummm now I want to go have some peanut butter!

  2. *gasp* a comment! Haha I am SO jealous of your easy access to excellent peanut butter!
