Well, it's 23°F (-5°C) in Bordeaux right now, meaning the chance I'll get out of bed today is 50-50. So what better time to blog about Bayeux! After Mont Saint-Michel, we drove to our hotel in Port-en-Bessin, which is a smaller city near Bayeux. The next morning, we headed into Bayeux for breakfast and tourist-ing. Bayeux is most famous for the Bayeux Tapestry, a 230 foot long tapestry about the Norman conquest of England, and the gigantic Cathédrale Notre-Dame. Unfortunately, the Bayeux Tapestry was closed for the month of January, but I wasn't too crushed. I was interested in seeing it, but it wasn't on my must-see-or-will-die-unfulfilled-omg list. On to the Cathedral!
The inside as well was extremely impressive and well-preserved. The vaulted ceiling is really cool, and the stained glass windows are beautiful. There were almost no other tourists there; it was crazy to be walking around in this huge cathedral almost all by ourselves.
Creepy! |
P.S. I found out you can buy beer in the on-campus dining halls here! Oh, France...
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